Grid Tiling Services


  • Certified Technical Service Provider (TSP) through the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Servicegrid tile
  • Survey, design, and mapping services – using the most current AGPS GPS units to ensure accuracy of placement, maximize system efficiency, and increase your return on investment
  • RTK Satellite Station – provides accuracy of level placement to the centimeter
  • State-of-the-art equipment capable of installing the correct pipe size tailored to your soil type
  • Your project data is backed up and saved for future projects.
  • We have installed over 40 million feet of tile and our work is always warrantied.

Why Consider Installing Grid Tile?


Stabilize your crop yield by draining surface water and/or adding water with sub-surface irrigation.Improve crop yield in both wet and dry years.grid tile 2 A patterned tile installation pays for itself through increased crop yields in an average of three to five years.There are many research projects relating to patterned tile taking place at University Extension Centers across the country. In order to help our customers understand some of the advantages, we recommend you check the sites below:


